[产物说明]: 采用软质铝箔与聚酯薄膜为原材,以凹版涂布进行复合,待铝箔麦拉熟成再分切卷收,其结构是一层铝箔和一层聚酯薄膜复合而成(AL/PET)。Product Description: The raw material of aluminum polyester tape is soft aluminum foil and a polyester film, compound with intaglio coating, slitting and rolling
[产物说明]: 采用软质铝箔与聚酯薄膜为原材,以凹版涂布进行复合,待铝箔麦拉熟成再分切卷收,其结构是一层铝箔和一层聚酯薄膜复合而成(AL/PET)。Product Description: The raw material of aluminum polyester tape is soft aluminum foil and a polyester film, compound with intaglio coating, slitting and rolling
[产物说明]: 以高纯度的铝箔为基材,再覆以PET聚酯带及环保型导电胶或者不导电胶制作而成的铝箔麦拉胶带,具有极佳的静电消散性,不易皱折,不易撕裂、耐热、稳定性好;一面导电,一面绝缘,可有效保护包覆的部位。Product Description: Aluminum polyester foil tape mainly made of high purity aluminum foil, cover wit
[产物说明]: 热熔铝箔麦拉又叫热融铝箔麦拉,分PE型热熔铝箔麦拉、PVC型热熔铝箔麦拉;采用热熔胶为MQ-40高分子聚合物,无毒无公害,符合最新版欧盟RoHS环保规章。另外一种叫自粘膜型热熔铝箔麦拉,采用正牌EAA自粘膜,保证能在较低预热温度下,具有良好的热熔粘结效果,且保持长期稳定。Product Description: Heat sealed a
[产物说明]: 采用两面软质铝箔与聚酯薄膜为原材,以凹版涂布进行复合,待铝箔麦拉熟成再分切卷收,其结构是两边各一层铝箔和中间一层聚酯薄膜复合而成(AL/PET/AL)。 Product Description: The raw material of aluminum polyester tape is soft aluminum foil and a polyester film, compound with intaglio coating, sli
[产物说明]: 展翅铝箔麦拉又叫蝶翼铝箔麦拉,是将已分条的铝箔麦拉带与较宽的麦拉膜再做第二次精密复合。 Product Description: Free edge aluminum polyester tape also called butterfly wings aluminum polyester tape, which slit aluminum Mylar with wide Mylar film to do a second precise compound.[应用方式]: 主要
[产物说明]: 采用软质铝箔与聚酯薄膜为原材,以凹版涂布进行复合,待铝箔麦拉熟成再分切卷收,其结构是一层铝箔和一层聚酯薄膜复合而成(AL/PET)。Product Description: The raw material of aluminum polyester tape is soft aluminum foil and a polyester film, compound with intaglio coating, slitting and rolling